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with online French conversation classes


Online French conversation class 

Online French conversation class
What says my students about my online French conversation classes

Laurie from USA : 

"I've been taking French conversation classes with Samantha for almost a year. I totally lacked confidence and really wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up, but I'm at the point with my French where I need to practice speaking as much as I can if I want to improve. Samantha's classes were reasonably priced and offered at very convenient times for me so figured I'd try. I'm so glad I did.


I really enjoy the opportunity she provides to practice and improve my French listening and speaking skills. The classes are small so everyone has a chance to participate (like it or not 😉) which helps build confidence (it's a very safe space!).


Because the classes are online, it allows for students from all over to attend together so I've met people in Luxembourg, from Columbia, Egypt, India - it's really cool. Samantha always has a topic prepared usually with some accompanying video or audio. She provides real time feedback which is incredibly helpful. The topics are never dull and always engaging. Her schedule is flexible with respect to the days you choose to attend or how many days you want to attend.


She couldn't make it any easier or fun to butcher the poor French language. You've got no excuse not to come learn! It's fun, easy, affordable, convenient, and educational. Allons-y!!"

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